| 1. | In many parts of the world clover is grown as food for cattle 在世界许多地区,种植红花草用来作牲畜饲料。 |
| 2. | Livestock feed industry 牲畜饲料项目 |
| 3. | A student ' s bag is made from packing of food for livestocks 课室图中左下角的地方那个原来盛载牲畜饲料的麻包,被改造成学生的书包 |
| 4. | Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - horizontal method for the detection of salmonella spp 食品和牲畜饲料的微生物学.沙门氏菌检测卧式方法 |
| 5. | Florida alone creates a total of 1 . 2 million tons of dried peel residue annually , which is currently sold as cattle feed 报道说,单单美国佛罗里达州每年就有总共120万吨的废弃干燥果皮,而目前它们的作用是充当牲畜饲料。 |
| 6. | Composition : derived from a specific blend of specific animal and vegetable protein meals and added amino acids to provide specific nutrition requirements for intensive livestock production 合成过程:用特殊的动物和植物蛋白混合配料制成,添加氨基酸以提供牲畜饲料所需的特殊营养。 |
| 7. | The stale corn reserves are used up and there is increasing competition for fresh supplies between rapidly growing industrial processors and livestock farmers who rely on it as feed for animals 储备的变质玉米已经用尽,快速发展的工业加工商,与依靠玉米作为牲畜饲料的农民之间的争夺越发激烈。 |
| 8. | This international standards is intended to provide general guidance for the examination of products not dealt with by existing international standards and to be taken into account by organizations preparing microbiological methods of test for application to foods or to animal feeding stuffs 这种国际标准规格的目的是为还未有现有国际标准来衡量的产品检测提供一般性的指导,以及给准备使用微生物方法用于食品或牲畜饲料检测的组织考虑使用。 |
| 9. | Consultation on prevention and control of veterinary diseases friday , june 29 , 2001 medical and veterinary professionals , farmers , livestock feed traders , and related parties are reminded to give their views on the proposed legislative amendments to enhance the prevention and control of veterinary diseases before july 14 渔农自然护理署(渔护署)现正就立例加强防治动物疾病,徵询医学界、兽医界、农民、牲畜饲料商及有关团体的意见,渔护署提醒有关人士,所有意见需于七月十四日前送交该署。 |