There was a general store and an inn on each side of the line . 在警戒线两边各有一爿杂货铺和一家小客栈。
In limekilms we entered a small change-house, which we only knew to be a public by the wand over the door . 在林密金土,我们走进一家很小的客栈,从它们上面的竿子看出,我们只知道是一爿酒馆。
In a town, he thought every second person a decoy, and every third house a place in which seamen would be drugged and murdered . 他认为,市镇上的人呢,倒有一半是拐子,每三户人家,也总有一家是爿会把水手们毒死害死的黑店。
Give us that brisket off the hook . plup . rawhead and bloody bones 替咱把那爿胸脯肉从钩子上卸下来。
Remember about the mistake in the valuation when i was in thom s 记得我在汤姆那爿店的时候,曾做过错误的估计。
Capsule globose , 6 cm in diam . , wrapped with persistent calyx , dehiscent in 5 valves 蒴果球形,直径6厘米,有宿萼包裹, 5爿裂开。
After one of them was expressed in e . coli bl21 , the product was purified by ni - nta column 经酶切鉴定证实原核表达载体ptat爿ascfv构建成功。
Molly looks out of plumb . he passed , dallying , the windows of brown thomas , silk mercers 他遛遛达达地从布朗托马斯开的那爿绸缎铺的橱窗前走过。
For them too history was a tale like any other too often heard , their land a pawnshop 对他们来说,历史也像其他任何一个听腻了的故事,他们的国土是一爿当铺14 。
However , all military bases on both sides of the strait are still operating normally and showing no signs of military tension 毋恪目前两爿耶军事基地拢正常运作?无影咧准备。