[ fùxì ] paternal line; the father's side of the family; patriarchal ◇父系继承人 successors in the male line; 父系亲属 relatives on the paternal side; 父系世系 patrilineal descent; 父系氏族社会 patriarchal society
She was descended, through both parents, from the gods . 不论是从父系或是母系来说她都是神的后裔。
Thus , the patriarchal system was based upon love , not force 所以他们的父系社会是基于爱,而不是力量。
A cousin on my father ' s side , is a child of my father ' s brother or sister 堂兄弟姐妹之一或父系的表兄弟姐妹之一。
A person who is descended through the male line from a person mentioned in ( i ) 属第( i )节所述人士的父系后裔的人。
Grandfather - father - son : analysis of paternal characters in yu hua ' s novels in 1990s 余华90年代长篇小说父系人物结构模式探析
From maturity to senility he would increasingly resemble his paternal creator 自壮年到衰老期,他会越来越与父系的骨肉至亲相像。
So the trait was appearing only when sheep inherited the mutation from their sires 因此,只有从父系遗传到突变的小羊,才会表现出该特徵。
Generally speaking , patriarchal family systems continue to prevail in these three societies 整体而言,三个社会均保有父系系谱为核心的家庭结构。
Relating to , based on , or tracing ancestral descent through the paternal line 父系的与父系血统有关的;以父亲血统为基础的,按父方血统追溯的族系的
However , when spermand egg cells are formed , the maternal and paternal chromosomes swap bits ofdna to create a new mixture 然而,当精子和卵子形成时,父系和母系的染色体都会交换若干dna ,生成新的混合体。