There was a library in coketown, to which general access was easy . 焦煤镇有一个图书馆,大家都可以随便进去。
Thomes gradgrind a good, hard-headed businessman, the people of coketown said . 这就是托马斯格雷因。焦煤镇的人们说他是一个顶顶呱呱,讲求实际的生意人。
If only josiah bounderby of coketown had been in question, you would have joined and made no bones about it ? 要是问题只在于焦煤镇的约瑟亚庞得贝,你就不会有任何顾虑而早就加入了吧?
She walked along at his side, and gently accommodating himself to her humour, he said coketown was a busy place, was it not ? 她跟在他的身边走着,他文雅地和着她的兴致,说焦煤镇是个热闹的地方,不是吗?
She gave him an affectionate goodnight, and went out with him to the door, whence the fire of coketown could be seen, making the distance lurid . 她很亲热地视他晚安,同他走到门口,从那儿可以看到焦煤镇的灯火,把远处照得亮堂堂的。
The fairy palaces burst into illumination, before pale morning showed the monstrous serpents of smoke trailing themselves over coketown . 在一个灰蒙蒙的早晨,在一条条象巨蟒一样的浓烟笼罩着焦煤镇之前,那些“童话中的宫殿”已经灯火辉煌了。
Mr. harthouse professed himself in the highest degree instructed and refreshed, by this condensed epitome of the whole coketown question . 赫德士先生表示,这种关于整个焦煤镇问题的简洁的总结性的发言,使他受到高度的教育,而且使他耳目一新。
The only doubt in coketown was, whether rachael had written in good faith, believing that he really would come back, or warning him to fly . 焦煤镇的居民所疑心的只是一点,就是瑞茄究竟是相信他真会回来而老老实实地写信给他,还是警告他,叫他逃走。
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