[ yānhǎi ] a vast sea of fog -- huge and voluminous 短语和例子 浩如烟海 a tremendous amount (of data, etc.); voluminous; 如堕烟海 be lost in a fog
Related Translations:
烟: Ⅰ名词1.(物质燃烧时产生的气体) smoke 短语和例子毒烟 toxic smoke; 褐烟 brown smoke; 蓝烟 cold smoke; 高高的烟囱喷吐出黑烟。 tall chimneys belch [vomit] forth black smoke. 满屋子都是烟。 the room was full of smoke. 烟从烟囱里袅袅升起。 the sm
Since 1990s , as volumes of information available on the internet continue to increase , there is a growing demand for tools to help people find , filter , and manage these resources more efficiently 如何在浩若烟海而又纷繁芜杂的文本中最快捷地获取有效信息始终是信息处理的一大目标,也是一大难题。