| 1. | Characteristics of buried hill oil pools in caoqiao - guangrao 草桥广饶潜山油气藏特征 |
| 2. | Analysis of condensate gas pools in qianmiqiao buried hill 千米桥潜山构造凝析气藏的初步分析 |
| 3. | A pool formation analysis for qianmiqiao buried hill structure 千米桥潜山小间隙欠平衡钻井液研究 |
| 4. | Condensate reservoir formation in qianmiqiao buried hill structure 千米桥潜山凝析气藏勘探开发难点与对策分析 |
| 5. | Characteristics of buried hill reservoirs from lower palaezoic of jiyang depression 济阳坳陷下古生界潜山储集体特征 |
| 6. | Diagenesis and pore evolution of ordovician carbonate reservoirs in qianmiqiao buried hill 以千米桥潜山凝析气藏为例 |
| 7. | Study on cementing amp; amp; completion technology in buried hill fractured reservoir 潜山裂缝型油藏完井固井工艺技术研究 |
| 8. | Pore evolution model for xujiahe formation reservoir in west sichuan foreland basin 海拉尔盆地苏德尔特古潜山裂缝发育特征 |
| 9. | Buried hill type reservoir 潜山型油藏 |
| 10. | Control of faulting over oil - gas pools of buried hills in beidagang structural belt 断裂作用对北大港构造带潜山油气藏的控制 |