| 1. | New process of drop feed gas carburizing with high rate 滴注式快速气体渗碳新技术 |
| 2. | Drop feed well type gas carburizing furnace 滴注式井式气体渗碳炉 |
| 3. | Drip infusion urography abbr . diu 大剂量静脉滴注泌尿系造影术 |
| 4. | Study on gas carburizing technique of instillation with kerosene - carbinol 甲醇滴注式气体渗碳工艺的研究 |
| 5. | Bacterial endotoxins test of sodium new houttuyfonate injection 莪术油注射液静脉滴注用药时的细菌内毒素检查 |
| 6. | Commonly used for administration of arterial injection and intravenous drip 常用给药途径为动脉注射和静脉滴注。 |
| 7. | Clinical application and experimental study on rectal high instillation with tongfutang 通腑汤直肠高位滴注的临床研究 |
| 8. | Iv gtt intravenously guttae 静脉滴注 |
| 9. | Excel - based design of one compartment model intermittent intravenous drip dosage regimen 函数设计单室模型间歇静脉滴注给药方案 |
| 10. | Efficacy of gamma globulin through intravenous drip on neonatal infectious pneumonia 静脉滴注丙种球蛋白治疗新生儿感染性肺炎疗效观察 |