[ dīshuǐchuānshí ] constant dripping wears away a stone.; a constant dropping will wear a hole in the stone. -- little strokes fell great oaks.; constant dropping wears away [will wear away] a stone.; drops of water outwear the stone.; water constantly dripping wears holes in a stone
Example Sentences:
Pathes to professional managers ' standardization 滴水穿石谈管理
Constant dropping wears away a stone 谚滴水穿石。
The drop hollows the stone , not by force , but by the frequency of its fall 滴水穿石不是由于使用强力所致,而是由于滴水频繁所成。
Remy : change is nature , dad . the part that we can influence . and it starts when we decide 爸,改变就是自然的规律。尽力而为,便能滴水穿石。下定决心后,改变就开始了。
Just like dripping water that can penetrate stone , patience and persistence can berk through anything , no matter how gerat the difficulty 恒心、毅力能如“滴水穿石”再大的困难与阻碍都能突破。
Well , then , he said , i yield ; if not to your earnestness , to your perseverance : as stone is worn by continual dropping “那么好吧, ”他说, “我让步了,要不是向你的真诚屈服,就是向你滴水穿石的恒心投降。