| 1. | He wagged his round red head . 他摇了摇他那滚圆的,长着红发的脑袋。 |
| 2. | The man shook his bullet head . 那个男人摇了摇他那滚圆的脑袋。 |
| 3. | She has the same rich, full, dark eyes, with its long lashes . 她有一双同样炯炯有光,滚圆而乌黑的眼睛,上面覆盖着两道长睫毛。 |
| 4. | His face was almost round and his head was round and set close on his shoulders . 他的脸盘差不多是滚圆的,脑袋也是圆圆的,紧挨在肩膀上。 |
| 5. | The moon was at the full, and the scene was further illuminated by the fitful glare of several torches, stuck on the end of twelve-foot poles . 月儿滚圆,几根十二英尺高的棍子尖端,插着熊熊燃烧着的火把,把会场照耀得更加明亮。 |
| 6. | On his way back along the broom road, under the lamps that marked the entrance to the palace grounds, grief encountered a short, rotund gentleman . 格里菲顺着“金雀花路”往回走。在王官所在地入口处的几盏灯底下,他碰上一位身材矮小,体形滚圆的绅士。 |
| 7. | The results of his experiments were, among other plants, an especially strong cherry tree; a black berry plant without thorns; and a larger, sweeter and smoother raspberry . 在他进行试验所取得的成果中,以下几项特别值得一提,一种特别茁壮的樱桃树,无刺的黑莓树和一种又大又甜,滑溜滚圆的木莓。 |
| 8. | The chicks looked like little round balls of fluff 小鸡们看上去像滚圆的小绒球。 |
| 9. | Enlarging the rounding radius for improving the rounding quality 滚圆半径加大,使滚圆效果更佳 |
| 10. | Partial factor approach to the output by an extrusion - spheronization process 滚圆法制备的球形产品收得率 |