| 1. | On the artistic characteristics of ci poetry from wen tingyun 试论温庭筠词的艺术特征 |
| 2. | Comparison of images between wen ting - yun ' s poems and ci - verses 温庭筠诗的意象与词的意象比较 |
| 3. | The poetic changes of poem in late tang dynasty from the view of wen junting 从温庭筠看晚唐诗的词化现象 |
| 4. | Rhyme in wen tingyun ' s ci poetry 温庭筠词的用韵 |
| 5. | On the artistic achievements and the aesthetic features of weng ting - yun ' s ci lyrics 试论温庭筠词的艺术成就与审美特色 |
| 6. | This section has five arrangements by time : compilation and currenting of wen tingyun ’ s poetry in tang and wudai dynasty 以时间为纲,分五个层次: (一)唐五代温庭筠诗的结集与流布。 |
| 7. | In introduction , the author summarizes wen tingyun ’ s life story and the study situation , and he puts forward the reason for the topic 引言概述温庭筠生平及相关研究现状,并说明选题缘由。 |
| 8. | The main body of this thesis is edition ’ s textual research to probe into edition ’ s system headstream of wen tingyun ’ s poetry 版本源流考为本文之主体,本部分旨在探讨《温庭筠诗集》的版本系统源流。 |
| 9. | Wen founded the huajian mode and built the popular and stereotype mode of expressing emotions , while wei took more subjective and individualistic color in expressing emotion 温庭筠奠定了花间模式,确立了普泛化、类型化的抒情模式,韦庄词的抒情却具有更多的主观化和个性化的色彩。 |
| 10. | The montage composed patterns used in wen ting - yun ' s ci ( poetic essay ) writings had created a sort of implicative and connotative sense and had expressed the readers a kind of fanatic and inferred aesthetic feeling 温庭筠词作运用的蒙太奇创作手法营造出含蓄悠远的意境,给读者带来迷离隐约的审美感受。 |