The prototype for modern american ice cream was the roman concoction of cream mixed with berries and alpine snow 现代美国冰激凌的原形是罗马人将莓果和高山上的雪以及奶油混合调制成的一种食物。
They were blended to create four different textures andthicknessfrom sete stock and vegetables through to pureed soup 之后,这些原料被混合调制成四种不同质地、不同浓度的汤,包括纯汤、蔬菜汤及浓汤等几种类型。
They were blended to create four different textures and thickness from separate stock and vegetables through to pureed soup 之后,这些原料被混合调制成四种不同质地不同浓度的汤,包括纯汤蔬菜汤及浓汤等几种类型。
They were blended to create four different textures and thickness from separate stock and vegetables through to pureed soup 之后,这些原料被混合调制成四种不同质地、不同浓度的汤,包括纯汤、蔬菜汤及浓汤等几种类型。