He was hopeless at the very core of him , and he wanted to be hopeless 他的深心处是没有希望的,而他也不愿有希望。
32 live mandarin love songs , touch the deepest part of everyone s heart 现场演绎32首国语动人情歌触动每个人深心处爱的回忆
Like the full moon , the love of an enlightened master illuminates the whole world ; and like the rain , it silently showers and nourishes the earth 明师的爱如满月朗照乾坤万人争仰,又如细雨,无声滋润大地深心。
Seven of us were singing those beloved and deep - in - our - heart songs in the metro before we had to depart for then . that was very nice and we had a great time 我们7个人在地铁里忙情的唱著我们深心内的至爱歌曲,一直到言别,是那么兴奋快乐。留影(有视频) 。
Remembering the master means remembering the teaching , the goodness of the master , the love from the master , and then deepening ourselves with this love , this wisdom , this goodness , and then sharing it with whomever necessary 记得师父就是记得师父的教理、美德及爱心,把师父的爱力、智慧及一切的良善品质牢记深心,并分享给任何需要的人。
Remembering the master means remembering the teaching , the goodness of the master , the love from the master , and then deepening ourselves with this love , this wisdom , this goodness , and then sharing it with whomever necessary 记得师父就是记得师父的教理、美德及爱心,把师父的爱力、智慧及一切的良善品质牢记深心,并分享给任何需要的人。