To research and develop new taste product on the different region habits basis to introduce dainty flavor to consumers to enjoy what a new taste may bring 从事开发适合不同地区市场消费者口味的食品,同时引导消费者崇尚新口味,尽情享受新感觉。
The produced liquor not only kept its original noble quality and the traditional maotai - flavor liquor style , but also met up - to - date consumption customs more than ever 通过对原料质量控制、制曲、酿酒、调味酒生产和特殊的贮存条件等工艺技术的改进创新,使其高贵的品质在保证传统酱香风格的前提下,酒体更加符合当今市场消费者口味的要求。