| 1. | The irregularities in depth of the shallow water close to the land bring danger to trip . 靠近陆地的浅水区深浅不一给航行带来了危险。 |
| 2. | General view - shallow water region bored pile construction 浅水区的钻桩工程 |
| 3. | General view of approach viaduct shallow water land regions 高架桥之概况-浅水区及岸区 |
| 4. | Shallow water region general view of approach viaduct 浅水区-高架桥之概况 |
| 5. | Shallow water region approach viaduct construction 浅水区-高架桥通道建造 |
| 6. | Bored pile cconstruction at shallow water region 浅水区的钻桩工程概况 |
| 7. | The herrings usually live in large shoals 青鱼通常生活在大的浅水区。 |
| 8. | Aim for the shallow end . we want to scare her , not kill her 瞄准浅水区,我们要吓她,可不是杀她 |
| 9. | General view - shallow water region pile cap work - cofferdam construction 浅水区的桩帽建造-围堰建造中 |
| 10. | Approached viaduct - shallow water region 高架桥-浅水区 |