Do you remember trading date of successful zhang of that running water ah 你有没有记住交易成功的那个流水账号啊?
If remembering , ask to the bank it shows the sign of running water zhang that trades 5 times , if do not have , that deducted your money more namely 记住的话,到银行要求它出示交易5次的流水账号,假如没有的话,那就是多扣了你的钱。
First , there was the account current of the produce of my farms or plantation , from the year when their fathers had ballanc d with my old portugal captain , being for six years ; the ballance appear d to be 1174 moidores in my favour 包里有下述信件和文件:第一,我种植园收入的流水账,时间是从他们父亲和这位葡萄牙老船长结算的那一年算起,一共是六年,应该给我一千一百七十四个葡萄牙金币。
It would be some advantage to live a primitive and frontier life , though in the midst of an outward civilization , if only to learn what are the gross necessaries of life and what methods have been taken to obtain them ; or even to look over the old day - books of the merchants , to see what it was that men most commonly bought at the stores , what they stored , that is , what are the grossest groceries 虽然生活在外表的文明中,我们若能过一过原始性的、新开辟的垦区生活还是有益处的,即使仅仅为了明白生活必需品大致是些什么,及如何才能得到这些必需品,甚至翻一翻商店里的古老的流水账,看看商店里经常出售些什么,又存积哪些货物,就是看看最杂的杂货究竟是一些什么也好。