| 1. | Immunofluorescent techniques have been used extensively in the study of influenza viruses in general . 免疫荧光法曾广泛用于研究一般流感病毒。 |
| 2. | Swine influenza virus is a type a influenza virus and as such is placed in the orthomyxovirus group . 猪流感病毒是一种A型流感病毒,因而列入正粘病毒组中。 |
| 3. | These pigs had acquired lungworm infestations presumably containing masked influenza virus under natural conditions . 这些猪在自然条件下已受到含有隐蔽流感病毒的肺丝虫寄生。 |
| 4. | It is evident that there is not unanimity concerning the interepidemic survival of swine influenza and other influenza viruses . 显然关于猪流感病毒和其他病毒的流行间歇期生存问题的意见尚不一致。 |
| 5. | The rates of adsorption and elution, and the sensitivity of the hemagglutin to inhabitors vary with the different influenza virus . 吸附率和洗脱率和血球凝集素对抑制物和敏感性均因流感病毒不同而有差异。 |
| 6. | Nayak et al. (1965) studied the immunocytologic and histopatholgic development of experimental swine influenza virus infection in pigs . Nayak等(1965)研究了猪的实验性流感病毒感染的免疫细胞学和病理组织学发展。 |
| 7. | In influenza and some paramyxo-viruses the surface hemagglutinin, which is a glycoprotein attaches to the b.b.c containing complementary receptor . 流感病毒和某些副粘病毒的表面血红细胞凝集素是一种糖蛋白,可附着于含互补受体的红细胞上。 |
| 8. | Schnurrenberger et al offered serologic evidence of infections with the swine influenza virus among swine producers, veterinarians, and slaughter house workers . Schnurrenberger等提出了养猪人、兽医和屠宰场工人中感染猪流感病毒的血清学根据。 |
| 9. | Study on vibration control for the wall in a cab 蟾苷提取物抗流感病毒的实验研究 |
| 10. | Progress on the quick detection of influenza viruses 流感病毒快速诊断的研究进展 |