The best they can look for ,if they are convicted, is to be transported . 假使他们被判了罪,他们最希望的,是流徙到外地去。
The migration and culture propagation of ba 巴人的流徙与文明的传播
We can see the alternatives to the principles of the tra , and they are not attractive 每年全世界约有80至90万人口,被跨国拐骗买卖,强行流徙。
Within are victims of saddam hussein s genocidal war , especially the children . poor , orphaned and maimed . .说的是在西亚各国边境流徙的库尔德苦难民族。
Some were banished instead of receiving capital punishment , most of them were not the key conspirators in the crime 遭流徙者往往是触犯了严重恶行,其中尤以谋反罪为多。
In the fifth winter of dali period , he visited hengyang and other places , and moved to guizhou in the dali eleventh year 大历五年冬天,先后游历衡阳、耒阳等地,大历十一年流徙到桂州。
Those who were banished were not allowed to return home throughout their lifetime , however the emperors granted them amnesty from time to time 犯人一经流徙,都是终身不得还乡,不过,历代帝王不时会下诏恩准这些负?流徙者,悉听还本。
However , banishment was abandoned finally in the 11th year of tai tung era ( 545ad ) during the reign of emperor wu of the liang dynasty and was never re ? instituted again 及至萧梁初建,流徙刑被废止不用,后来虽一度恢复,但最终仍在大同十一年再度被废。
Originally , banishment was an alternative to death granted by the emperor , but it evolved to become a for mal punishment between 468ad to 472ad during the reign of emperor ming of the song dynasty 六朝的流徙刑主要仍是一种代刑的地位,是皇帝给予死刑犯或者严重罪恶的牵连犯的一项恩宥。