| 1. | The stream has now become a torrent . 小溪继而又变成了滔滔的洪流。 |
| 2. | They seem to lie upon us like a deep flood . 它象一股深深的洪流淹着我们。 |
| 3. | A powerful current spurted out . 一股洪流喷薄而出。 |
| 4. | The historical tide is surging forward with great momentum . 历史洪流气势磅礴,奔腾向前。 |
| 5. | Splays are commonly formed by currents from crevasses in levees . 嗽叭形堆积通常由堤防决口的洪流所形成。 |
| 6. | The currents that have been released are not going to subside . 滚滚洪流一旦破闸而出,只会向前,不会止息。 |
| 7. | The flood of vituperation rushed on for what seemed an interminable period, while the queen blushed scarlet, the princess burst into tears . 漫骂的洪流似乎一直要流泻个不尽,直弄得皇后满面通红,公主放声大哭。 |
| 8. | Rabelais, like a torrent of burning, shouting, laughing lava, burst through all the dignities and decencies of the pedants . 拉伯雷象一股熔岩的洪流,燃烧着,狂喊着,大笑着,冲开了腐儒们的一切高贵气派和繁文缛节。 |
| 9. | Like the rivers of emotion but l got no more tear to cry 就像感情的洪流,但我已流干眼泪。 |
| 10. | How do they position these sources in the flow of history 他们如何在历史洪流中安排这些材料 |