The discomfort can be relieved by artificial teardrops or by humidifying the air 一般眼乾可使用人造泪液来纾缓,或使用增湿器将室内的湿度提升。
Before we talk about the treatment , it ' s important to understand how the eye ' s tear film works 在谈及治疗方法之前,很有必要了解一下泪液膜是如何工作的。
The outer lipid layer is an oily film that seals the tear film on the eye and helps to prevent evaporation 外面的脂质层是一层油性膜,它将泪液膜封在眼球上,帮助阻止蒸发。
The bottom mucin layer coats the cornea , the eye ' s clear outer window , forming a foundation so the tear film can adhere to the eye 底层的粘液层包裹了角膜,形成了一个基点从而使泪液膜能够附着在眼球上。
In terms of postoperative therapy , group a received a two - week course of topical steroids whilst group b patients required artificial tears for just one week 至于手术后治疗, a组患者接受了2周的局部类固醇治疗而b组患者只需要一周的人工泪液治疗。
Recently the sub - hypothermia induced by hypothermic regional arterial perfusion is proved to be the most effective method to reach the goal , including hypothermic normal saline with no influences on whole body temperature , cardiac rhythm and blood coagulation 低温液体或白体血液灌洲是日前最有效的降温方式,而且局部动脉内灌注低泪液体更可以快速实现局部亚低温介入技术的进步使得快速局部动脉内低温液体灌注成为可能。