Very interesting . i am interested in artifacts such as portals 真有意思,我对像传送门这样的法器都很有兴趣。
Three from the qing dynasty , the statues , instruments and temples are all priceless 还有不少佛教塑像法器寺庙,被定为文物保护单位。
Here preserved a lot of the dynasties of manufacturers like for a , religious artifacts and other treasures 这里保存着大量的各朝代制造的像器、供器、法器等文物珍品。
What ? you know him as well ? he gave findan an artifact for a rite . it is her last hope 什么?你也知道他?芬丹从他那拿到了进行某种仪式的一件法器。这是女皇的最后希望。
Some of the jade wares were not the ornaments of the liangzhu people but their vessels for religious ceremony to worship the spirits in their minds 有些玉器并不是良渚人的饰物,而是法器,用于祭祀他们心目中的神灵。
It is made of a hollow wooden block shaped like a fish , as fishes were believed to be always awake and , thus , serve as a symbol and a reminder of hard work 木鱼原为佛家的法器,专供念佛之用。其圆型及中心空的木身外面,刻有鱼麟的形状,用小木槌敲击而发声。
In a big one they live according to the beating of bell , drum and other buddhism instruments . they accommodate travelling monks or nuns . if any of them broke the rule , he would be driven out of the temple 较大寺庙实行丛林制,僧众集体生活,一切活动均依钟鼓法器号令行事,可以接纳游方僧人“挂单”暂住,也可以对违犯寺庙规约的僧人“迁单”逐出。
The works in the taipei npm come from three separate qing museums , in beijing , shenyang , and at the summer retreat at jehol now chengde . the collection has more than 700 , 000 items , double the number in the louvre . there is no finer collection anywhere of chinese art , including bronzeware , pottery and porcelain , paintings , jade , lacquerware , cloisonn 故宫博物院的文物来自清代的三个故宫,包括北平故宫渖阳故宫,以及热河避暑山庄,收藏品超过六十五万件,比罗浮宫多上一倍,精彩度更是世界顶尖,藏品以青铜器陶瓷书画称胜,另有玉器漆器珐琅小雕刻服饰法器文具碑帖图像织绣图书文献等,是全世界最完整的华夏文化博物馆。