Men who had lounged about all night in smock-frocks and leather leggings, came out in silken vests and hats and plumes, as jugglers or mountebanks . 夜晚穿着粗罩衫扎着皮裹腿到处游荡的男人,现在学着变戏法和江湖艺人的装束也挽上绸衣,戴上插有羽毛的帽子出来了。
Passepartout therefore decided to wait several hours ; and , as he was sauntering along , it occurred to him that he would seem rather too well dressed for a wandering artist 路路通决定再等几个钟头,但是当他在路上走着的时候,忽然心血来潮,他觉得要是穿上一套江湖艺人的衣服,岂不更妙?
Mignon , a very tall , very broad fellow , with the square - shaped head of a strong man at a fair , was forcing a passage through the midst of the groups and dragging on his arm the banker steiner , an exceedingly small man with a corporation already in evidence and a round face framed in a setting of beard which was already growing gray 米尼翁是一个身材高大宽肩的汉子,长着一个江湖艺人的方形脑袋,他从人群中挤出来,挽着银行家斯泰内的胳膊斯泰内身材矮小,大腹便便,面孔圆圆的,下颔和两颊上长着一圈灰白络腮胡子。