| 1. | It satisfied the desires of enjoying and playing of the inhabitants 既满足了居住区内居民的观赏要求,又迎合了儿童的亲水需求。 |
| 2. | One of the main aims of the shek pik reservoir was to meet the water demands of hong kong island 石壁水塘的其中一个主要功能是解决港岛食水需求。 |
| 3. | Guangdong rivers are hong kong s major source of water , and will meet all future increases in demand 广东省的河流是本港主要的供水来源,日后本港食水需求增加,均会由这方面的水源应付。 |
| 4. | Although the storage capacity of the plover cove reservoir was huge , it still could not meet the ever - increasing water demand 万宜水库船湾淡水湖的容量虽然庞大,但仍不足以应付不断增长的食水需求。 |
| 5. | As a basis for water allocation at basin level , the environmental water requirement is an important issue and should receive much attention 环境用水需求是一个重要课题,它是流域层面水资源配置的基础,急待开展大量的研究。 |
| 6. | It has an output capacity of 250 thousand cubic metres per day with provision for future expansion to 1 . 2 million cubic metres per day if demand goes up 滤水厂现时日产量为二十五万立方米,如果用水需求增加,将来最终可提高至一百二十万立方米。 |
| 7. | Firstly , this paper ensured the principles of supplying via variety sources to ensure the demands of city life , industry , and environment 首先确定西安市多种水源供水调配原则,以保证城市生活、生产和环境等用水需求为约束条件建立合理配置模型。 |
| 8. | These changes in agricultural water demands and soil - moisture levels had corresponding impacts on soil - moisture deficit , and consequently on agricultural production 这些农业用水需求及土壤水分含量的改变影响土壤缺水程度,进而影响农业生产的高低变化。 |
| 9. | Based on the impact of urban life in the water , on the development of water demand management measures and reasonable price is important in a practical sense 本文通过对影响城市居民生活用水的因素的分析,对制定水需求管理对策和合理的水价有重要的现实意义。 |