[ shuǐdīshíchuān ] dripping water wears through a stone.; constant dripping wears away [will wear away] a stone.; constant dripping wears the stone.; constant effort brings success; drops of water in time would wear through a rock.; little strokes fell great oaks.; one can accomplish seemingly impossible things by sustained effort.; persistent effort can solve any problem
Example Sentences:
Little strokes fell great oaks . 水滴石穿。
We should remember a worthy proverb “ constant dropping of water wears away a stone 我们应记住一条有价值的谚语“水滴石穿” 。
A woman should not be try d beyond her strength , and continual dropping will wear away a stone - ay , more - a diamond . from two well - wishers 对女人的考验不应该超过她的承受能力,水滴石穿莫说是石头就是钻石也会滴穿呀。
Constant dropping wears away a stone , constant working improves our capacity , and constant hankering helps us to get over all problems in english 水滴石穿、绳锯木断,点滴积累是攀登英语高峰的台阶!不懈追求,是勇闯英语难关的航标!
I have a dream . i hope i can speak good english . the foreign language corner will give me total confidence , and i love the foreign language corner 金诚石开,水滴石穿,相信只要我们用心聆听,用心交流,一定能够说一口流利的英语,满怀信心地去迎接未来的挑战。
It is human being s complex , constant effort brings success , only the human is living , ruyi is great rivers , it carry unremitting pursuit and hope fully , run mountains high and gallop forward 但她是人类的情结,水滴石穿,绳锯木断,只要人类生存,如意就是大江大河,满载不懈的追求和愿望,汹涌澎湃,奔腾向前!
Through several years ' development , just like an old saying that dripping water can wear through a stone , xxx technology company has achieved great progress and success , and its business scope now expands constantly , and the company also takes on a new scene of prosperity and flourish "水滴石穿,聚砂成塔" ,经过几年的发展, xxx已经获得长足发展,公司业务不断增多,规模不断壮大,呈现一片蒸蒸日上的美好景象。