| 1. | Air and water samples showed no evidence of contamination 结果显示,没证据显示空气或食水样本受到感染。 |
| 2. | Parameters tested for in water samples 水样本测试参数 |
| 3. | Photo of sampling water from a potential pollution source an essential part of beach monitoring 在潜在污染源抽取水样本-泳滩监测的主要环节图片 |
| 4. | The monitoring process the monitoring process includes sample taking and laboratory analysis 泳滩监测过程包括采取泳滩水样本及进行实验室分析。 |
| 5. | Back at epd offices , the collected samples are distributed for further processing 采集到的水样本送抵环保署总部后,便立即分发到各单位作进一步处理。 |
| 6. | Each water sample is tested for numerous physical , chemical and microbiological water quality parameters 每个水样本均会进行多种的物理化学及微生物参数测试。 |
| 7. | Field measurements are performed and water samples are collected for further laboratory analyses every month 环保署每月均进行实地监测,并采集水样本作进一步化验分析。 |
| 8. | The two non - gazetted beaches are monitored at least twice a month in the bathing season , and once a month outside it 两个非宪报公布泳滩在泳季内每月抽取水样本两次,非泳季减为每月一次。 |
| 9. | These annual compliance percentages are based on results of all samples taken from an individual monitoring station throughout the year 年度达标率是根据每条河溪全年水样本的监测结果计算。 |
| 10. | All the epds river water quality monitoring operations are carried out by individuals , who visit the monitoring stations , take samples and record data 环保署的水质监测工作均由工作人员在每个监测站上采集水样本和记录观察数据。 |