They were out of breath after a mile race 经过了一英里的赛跑之后他们气喘如牛。
And , says haskell , the prospect5 of having to gasp6 and strain their way to better health at a 70 - 80 percent target range has kept a lot of people from trying 哈斯卡尔说, “一想到要达到必须在70 %到80 %范围之内的健康指标,就必须气喘如牛,竭尽全力地锻炼身体,许多人便望而却步。 ”
For prolonged exercise like hiking , drink water from time to time to supplement the loss of body fluid due to sweating . do not wait until you are thirsty . take appropriate breaks during exercise 从事较长时间的运动如远足,要不时补充水分,不要等到口渴才喝水,保持自然呼吸,并要有适当的休息,不要令自己气喘如牛。
For prolonged exercise like hiking , drink water from time to time to supplement the loss of body fluid due to sweating . do not wait until you are thirsty . take appropriate breaks during exercise 从事较长时间的运动如远足,要不时补充水分,不要等到口渴才喝水,保持自然呼吸,并要有适当的休息,不要令自己气喘如牛。
And now and then they stooped in a group and splashed water in each other s faces with their palms , gradually approaching each other , with averted faces to avoid the strangling sprays , and finally gripping and struggling till the best man ducked his neighbor , and then they all went under in a tangle of white legs and arms and came up blowing , sputtering , laughing , and gasping for breath at one and the same time 有时候,他们弯腰曲背站在一块,互相用手掌往对方脸上击水。大家越击越近,头歪向一边,避开透不过气来的水。最后,他们扭成一团,经过一番拼搏,弱者终于被按到水里,于是大家一钻进水里,几双雪白的胳膊和腿在水里缠在一起,然后猛地钻出水面就喷水,哈哈大笑,气喘如牛。