绒: 名词1.(短而柔软的毛) fine hair; down 短语和例子驼绒 camel's hair; 鸭绒 eiderdown2.(上面有一层绒毛的纺织品) cloth with a soft nap or pile on one or either side 短语和例子灯芯绒 corduroy; 法兰绒 flannel; 丝绒 velvet3.(刺绣用的细丝) fine
工艺: 1.(产品制作加工技术或方法) technology; craft; industrial art; workmanship; process; technique 短语和例子一项新工艺 a new technique; 这项采矿工艺不可靠。 the mining technique is shaky.2.(手工艺) handicraft; handicraft art 短