| 1. | The metaphor and entrusting in love poems of xin qiji 辛弃疾爱情词的比兴与寄托 |
| 2. | Another explanation about liu xie ' s points of bi and xing 再释刘勰论比兴 |
| 3. | Bixing thinking creates artistic worlds . li jian 比兴思维与意境的创造李健 |
| 4. | On the development of bixing art thought from han dynasty 汉代以来比兴艺术思维的发展演变 |
| 5. | On lisao ' s structure of comparison symbolism and its aestheticism 的比兴体系及其审美价值上 |
| 6. | Analog and association techniques in 中比兴手法的逻辑支点 |
| 7. | The theory of starting a song with a metaphor from the pre - qin days to the tang dynasty 先秦至唐代比兴说述论 |
| 8. | On the cultural sources of the metaphorical images and bixing in the book of odes 隐语意象及比兴手法的文化探源 |
| 9. | It expresses its masters emotions by describing the scenery and narrating the stories 采用比兴写景述事,以抒发感情。 |
| 10. | On liu xie ' s bi and xing 论刘勰的比兴观 |