A participant proposed to change the existing proportional representation system to " single - seat - single - vote " system 有嘉宾建议将现行的比例代表制改为单议席单票制。
At the time critics said the new system was meant to make italy ungovernable by creating the stalemate in the senate that it duly produced 当时的一些批评人士认为,这种比例代表制会不时在上议院形成僵局,继而使意大利政坛处于混沌无序状态。
Each list may consist of any number of candidates up to the number of seats in the relevant constituency . an elector is entitled to cast one vote for a list 这个制度是一种比例代表制,候选人以名单形式参选,每份名单的候选人人数最多可达有关选区所设的议席数目。