比丘比丘尼优婆塞优婆夷: bhikshus, bhikshunis, upasakas and upasikas
Example Sentences:
On the left is hutuktu telopa rinpoche and on the right is tsem tulku rinpoche 此照片摄于甘丹措林比丘尼寺院。
On the second day of the expo , the initiates observed a chinese buddhist nun walking by their booth 书展第二天,有一位中国佛教比丘尼走过摊位。
At a small one they lead their daily life and do buddhist service in the same place 一般小尼庵,庙舍合一,比丘尼起居做佛事寓于一地,极为方便。
The first group of nuns appeared in the wei jin , south and north dynasty 摘要魏晋南北朝时期,中国历史上第一批比丘尼诞生,当时出家为尼成为女子一种新的归宿。
All of the mistakes are the fault of the bumbling bhiksuni called jampa chodron , so please forgive me 如果出现任何错漏,都是愚痴的比丘尼强帕的过失,敬请原谅!
There are also buddhist monks - the bhiksus and bhiksunis . the hindu monks are called swamis 佛教也有出家和尚,比丘比丘尼,印度教有他们的印度和尚,他们是叫swami 。
I was intrigued by her lucid and forceful argument ; this was the first time i had seen a chinese bhikshuni articulate her moral and intellectual position in such a forthright manner 这是我第一次看到一位比丘尼,用如此直接的方式,铿锵有力的表现她的智慧与道德。
I told the young nun who was cooking , " if you are interested , we will be in the grand hall , " and we went back to the main courtyard to meditate 这时,走进来好几位比丘尼,打断了我们的谈话。我告诉她:如果你感兴趣,我们在大殿那边等你。然后我们回到大殿院里打坐。
It is said that there may be two types of sangha : the ordinary sangha such as biksu and bishuni , and the supreme sangha who are bodhisattvas such as those who have obtained the tenth bhumi 僧伽可以分为两类:一般的僧伽是指比丘和比丘尼圣贤僧伽是指例如己登十地的菩萨。
These words shocked the monastics , who finally understood and immediately became respectful toward mahakasyapa . one day during a lecture on mount grdhrakuta , shakyamuni buddha held up a lotus flower 那个时候比丘比丘尼听说了以后都心跳了解了,里面马上尊敬起摩诃迦叶。