On remains of matrilineal system in northern dynasty ' s west and its influence on thought and culture of tang dynasty ' s 论北朝西部母权制遗风及其对唐代思想文化的影响
Also in the old time , we had a matriarchal system , like the zulu people now . do you still have this system here 古时候,我们是母权制度,像现在的祖鲁人一样,你们这里还有这个制度吗?
I was hoping that some corner of the world still retained a matriarchal system because that is the best system you could have for our planet 我希望在这个世界的某些角落还可以保留母权制度,因为这对我们世界是最好的制度。
All of these ethnic groups stemed from yue people living in the south in ancient china , the zhuangdai and dongshui lauguage ethnic groups maybe existed in the later period of primitive clan society 操壮傣语支语言的群体与操侗水语支语言群体的分化,可能是在原始母权制氏族社会晚期。
This article reflected on the model work of the ancient greek oedipus from the view of culture , and considered that the author has a deep reflection on this ethics relation about patriarchy replacement of matriarchy in his works , in the meantime , the author provides a base prototype for individuality ' s mental translation from this three point : the ideal of law ; the double explanation of hero and submit to the patriarchy 摘要从文学文化学的视角重新审视古希腊悲剧的典范作品《俄狄浦斯王》 ,认为作品蕴含了作者对父权制取代母权制这一重大社会转型时期伦理关系的深刻思考,并从法权观念、对英雄的双重解读和顺从于父系血缘三个方面为社会转型期间的生命个体提供了心理转换的基本原型。