get both praise and blame; be as much censured as praised; be as much praised as blamed; mixed reception
Example Sentences:
His new book got mixed reviews 对他的新书的评论毁誉参半。
But there are many discussions about the value of anti - takeover . i think the stakeholder theory supervises the anti - takeover useful here 历来对于企业反收购的价值毁誉参半,本文认为以利益相关者理论指导企业反收购能有效地防御企业边界。
The existences of these questions , not only cause the network game industry ’ s development along with praise or blame , but also becomes the social question in certain degree 这些问题的存在,不仅使得我国网游产业的发展毁誉参半,成为不容忽视的社会问题。
And this one , you ll probably notice that having an idol especially singer in the movies does not always guarantee its success , as filmmaking is a collaborative effort after all 从寻找周杰伦持著周杰伦的大名而在票房上的一败涂地到少年阿虎吴建豪毁誉参半的演出可见流行歌手不是电影的票房灵药。
And this one , you ll probably notice that having an idol ( especially singer ) in the movies does not always guarantee its success , as filmmaking is a collaborative effort after all 从《寻找周杰伦》持著周杰伦的大名而在票房上的一败涂地,到《少年阿虎》吴建豪毁誉参半的演出可见,流行歌手不是电影的票房灵药。
This tv drama revolves around the life of wu ze tian , the only empress in china s history , from the day she entered in the royal family to the climax of her life , becoming an empress . . 究竟这叱吒风云于一时的女性,有何本领成为千秋万世间一个女强人.本剧围绕她的生平事迹,为观众逐一揭开她那不平凡,毁誉参半的一生.
Madonna continued to attract controversy when , in 1989 , the video for like a prayer , with its links between religion and eroticism , was condem ned by the vatican and caused pepsi - cola to cancel a sponsorship deal with the star 1989年麦当娜的专辑像个祈祷者“ like a prayer ”中的主打歌曲正是由于她那毁誉参半的录影带而引起了轰动。