His iron gray hair was precisely parted and in place . 他铁灰色的头发在正当中分开,梳得整整齐齐。
The house, which had been built at the end of the eighteenth century, stood in the middle of a huge square enclosure . 这所十八世纪末叶建造的房子,高耸在一片广大的方围墙的正当中。
It ' s also in the middle of the day 它也在一天的正当中。
I was sitting in the dead center of the room so when i left early , everyone noticed 我坐在正当中,所以提早离开时,全屋的人都注意到了。
Courage is a scenic car trip and being stuch in the middle during the best part 勇气,是搭车浏览风景时,被挤在车子正当中,看不到外头的景色。
The network economy down from america affects most of countries while chinese venture capital has been in progress 正当中国的风险投资方兴未艾的时候,始于美国的网络热降温波及整个世界。
China on saturday experienced another major mine disaster , while it continued to deal with the effects of a massive toxic chemical spill in its northeast 正当中国持续处理东北一起大量化学毒物外?的意外时,星期六又传来一件重大矿坑灾变。
Beijing , china ( reuters ) - - china said on monday its response to the threats of climate change must give overriding priority to economic development as the nation seeks to balance ambitions for growth with fears of environmental calamity 北京中国(路透社) - -正当中国在经济增长与环境破坏之间寻求平衡时,这个国家本周一表示它将继续把经济增长作为第一要务置于气候变化的威胁之上。