生命: life; vita; vivi-; bio-; -biotic 短语和例子生命的本原 blood; 视荣誉高于生命 value honour above life; 生命是怎样起源的? how did life begin? 月球上没有发现生命。 no life has been found on the moon.; 生命保障系统 life-support system
歌: Ⅰ名词(歌曲) song 短语和例子民歌 folk song; 颂歌 song of praise; odeⅡ动词(唱) sing 短语和例子放声高歌 sing loudly; 能歌善舞 good at both singing and dancing; 唱送旧岁, 歌迎新年 sing out the old year and sing in the new
如: Ⅰ动词1.(适合; 依照) in compliance with; according to 短语和例子如命 in compliance with your instructions; 遂心如意 perfectly satisfied2.(如同; 像) like; as; as if 短语和例子安如磐石 as solid as a rock; 亲如一家 as dear to