| 1. | She came towards him joyfully . 她欢蹦乱跳地朝他奔过来。 |
| 2. | Dancing and skipping with joy , the children followed the pla men to the village . 孩子们欢蹦乱跳地簇拥着解放军进了村。 |
| 3. | The dog was bouncing with health and vitality 那条狗又壮实又活跃,欢蹦乱跳的 |
| 4. | What ' s aiive today can become food tomorrow 今天还是欢蹦乱跳的明天可能就变成别人的盘中餐 |
| 5. | Stop cavorting around and sit still , just for five minutes 别欢蹦乱跳的,坐好了,就五分钟 |
| 6. | Lamps like to skip across the meadow 小羊喜欢在草地上欢蹦乱跳。 |
| 7. | And the flung spray and the blown spume , and the sea - gulls crying 还有欢蹦乱跳的浪花,胀鼓鼓的浪沫和海鸥的鸣叫。 |
| 8. | There stood sir henry doing nothing less than a tribal war dance of sheer unashamed ecstasy 里面是亨利爵士,他欢蹦乱跳像在跳部落出征的舞蹈,表现出毫无顾忌的真正的快乐。 |
| 9. | A good old - fashioned spanking is out of the question , no modern child - rearing manual would permit such barbarity 当孩子们欢蹦乱跳地嬉戏玩耍把家里弄得乱七八糟时,他们的父母却忍受着担心和负疚感带来的折磨。 |
| 10. | The codfish were so plentiful there that when the sailors had lowered baskets into the water and hoisted them up they were full of squirming silvery fish 那儿鳕鱼多极了,甚至当水手们把篮子放入水中再提起时,篮子里尽是欢蹦乱跳的银色鳕鱼。 |