| 1. | As the man was unemployed, the council decided to write off the arrears of rent . 因为这个人失业,地方议会决定取消其欠租。 |
| 2. | Most of his other few possessions had long since been sold to pay arrears of rent . 他的其他一些不多的财产大部分都早已被变卖还了欠租。 |
| 3. | Lcq13 : measures to reduce the rent arrears rate among public rental housing tenants 立法会十三题:减低公屋住户欠租率措施 |
| 4. | If the tenant fails to pay rent , can i report the uncollected rent in part 4 . 3 of the return 若租客欠交租金,我可否在报税表第4 . 3 2部分填报欠租数目,申请扣减不能追回的欠租? |
| 5. | Some of the best scenes are at the dinner table , where the mother gossips and the father instils his old - fashioned wisdom upon his daughter 生活磨人,店子五折清货,欠薪欠租,家里口角,也轻度动武,但我们知道,这个家还是个家。 |
| 6. | Various functions include issuing ' debit notices ' in batches , keeping track of payments being made , issuing receipts for the payments received and reporting on past due payments are available 系统有多种功能包括代发租单、纪录已收取租金的资料、开发收据、过期欠租报告等。 |
| 7. | The amount of irrecoverable rent can be stated in part 4 . 3 . if you have used the rental deposit to set - off part of the uncollected rent , only the balance unrecovered by you could be claimed as irrecoverable rent 若你已用按金来抵销部分的欠租,你应在第4 . 3 2部分填报抵销后的欠租馀额。 |
| 8. | Also , he paid the other tradesmen in full , redeemed his suit and his bicycle , paid one month s rent on the type - writer , and paid maria the overdue month for his room and a month in advance 然后还清了其他商人的债,赎回了他的衣服和自行车,预付了一个月打字机租金,还了玛利亚一个月欠租,还预付了一个月。 |
| 9. | Keep sufficient records of rent received , such as lease agreements and duplicates of rent receipts , receipts for rates , correspondence relating to modification of lease terms and recovery of rent in arrears etc , for at least 7 years 保存例如:租约租单副本缴付差饷的收据有关修改租约及追讨欠租的文件等最少7年 |
| 10. | In addition , the department also provides free advisory and mediatory services to the public on tenancy matters related to domestic premises and on procedures for repossession of domestic premises on grounds of non - payment of rent 此外,差饷物业估价署亦提供有关住宅租务的免费谘询及调解服务,协助市民了解有关因欠租而申请收回住宅楼宇的程序。 |