Spruance lounged outside, elbows on the bulwark . 斯普鲁恩斯在外边闲望,胳膊肘搁在舷樯上。
The historic city had its busy ship-filled harbor . 这座历史名城有着其繁忙的千樯林立的港口。
Standard practice for application of cellulosic fiber insulating board for wall sheathing 樯护蔽用绝热纤维板的应用程序的标准实施规程
Ancient wall the ancient wall was first built in tang dynasty and rebuit in ming dynasty 全长6 . 2公里,分内城外廓,是我国现存城樯中首屈一指的古城遗址。
A tall vertical spar , sometimes sectioned , that rises from the keel or deck of a sailing vessel to support the sails and running rigging 船桅,桅杆一条高的(有时为分段的)垂直樯,从帆船的龙骨或甲板直立起来以支持帆和操纵装置
It seems that all of a sudden , korean cinema has become so popular in hong kong . more and more korean films , from mega budget blockbusters to mediocre productions , have made their land to our film market , 在我所知道的中国编剧当中,李樯的起点是最高的,编剧处女作孔雀获得了柏林银熊奖,和顾长卫二次携手。
I will consider , repli ? t ? tnt along smoothly enough . the sea was not very unpropitious , the wind seemed stationary in the north - east , the sails were hoisted , and the henrietta ploughed across the waves like a real transatlantic steamer 海上风浪不大,一直是刮着西南风,亨利埃塔号张起群帆,有了前后樯两张大帆推动,它走得简直跟一艘横渡大西洋的客船一模一样。
That i was in an island environ d every way with the sea , no land to be seen , except some rocks which lay a great way off , and two small islands less than this , which lay about three leagues to the west 此外,我搜集了能找到的所有男人穿的衣服和一个备用樯帆-那是一个前桅中帆,一个吊床和一些被褥。我把这些东西装上我的第二只木排,并平安地运到岸上。这使我深感宽慰。
Her two masts leaned a trifle backward ; she carried brigantine , foresail , storm - jib and standing - jib , and was well rigged for running before the wind ; and she seemed capable of brisk speed , which , indeed , she had already proved by gaining several prizes in pilot - boat races 船上有两只稍向后倾的大帆,此外还有后樯梯形帆,前中帆,前樯三角帆,外前帆和顶帆。唐卡德尔号在顺风的时候可以利用这一套应有尽有的设备。
In history , tongzhou was a water transport dock , with thousands boats anchored here , and numerous business men gathering here ; tongzhou also historically was the strategic military town definitely for the army to contest , and aroused excellent talents and heroes constantly for the roaring historic winds and billows 历史上的通州曾经是漕运码头,千樯万艘,冠盖交驰,商贾云集;历史上的通州也曾经是军事重镇,兵家必争,狂飚巨澜,俊杰辈出。