Cuneiform tablets from 1600 b . c . showed that the babylonians feared the world was already too full of people 公元前1600年遗留的楔形文字泥板,就记载著巴比伦人对于世界已经人满为患的忧虑。
Akkadian was written with the cuneiform writing system , on clay tablets , and was in use from the beginning to about 750 b . c 阿卡德语被作为书写在粘土板上的楔形文字,从最初一直被使用到公元前750年。
It is to facilitate this trade that the indus writing was evolved in the same proto - symbolic style as the contemporary cuneiform writing of mesopotamia 它将促进这贸易, indus文字和mesopotamia一样当代楔形文字的文字演变了在proto象征性样式。
Along with sanskrit ( 1785 ) other languages were deciphered : pahlavi in 1793 , cuneiforms in 1803 , hieroglyphs in 1822 , and avestan in 1832 除梵语( 1785年)外,其他语言也被翻译过来:巴列维语是在1793年,楔形文字是在1803年,象形文字在1822年,阿维斯陀语在1832年。
To this series ' creators , the answers to these questions also provide a key to understanding the development of civilization itself , an important theme that ties together the three parts 节目更会让大家了解楔形文字怎样影响亚述、巴比伦、波斯的文字发展,由早期的图画表达走向规律化的符号。
The sumerian cuneiform deciphering skills of zecharia sitchen , a linguist in command of many ancient languages , has set the scientific world on its ear with his astounding interpretations of ancient writings 扎查里亚西特切的闪族楔形文字破译技巧,一位语言学家在指挥着很多古代语言,已经把科学世界设计在它的倾听上,连同着他对古代作品惊人的解释。
Current studies suggest that some of these symbols were retained in the later formalized indus script , much as ancient mesopotamian and egyptian symbols on pottery and clay tablets from around 3500 b . c . e . and 3200 b . c . e . , respectively , later found their way into cuneiform and hieroglyphic writing 最新的研究显示,这些符号中有些在日后正式的印度字母表中保留了下来,和公元前约3500年刻在陶器、泥版上的美索不达米亚语符号,以及公元前约3200年刻在陶器、泥版上的埃及语符号,几乎一样古老(后面两种语言符号后来分别发展成楔形文字和象形文字) 。