Coconut and its products such as coconut oil and coconut cream 椰子及其制品如椰油、椰浆等。
So there also were barns for animals and buildings for holding and drying crops 所以,这里椰油动物的处所,保存和干燥庄稼的仓库。
Use a variety of vegetable oils . for examples , corn oil , canola oil , olive oil and peanut oil . avoid coconut oil , palm oil and margarine in solid form which could pose a negative impact on your blood cholesterol level 可选用不同种类的植物油,如粟米油、芥花籽油、橄榄油和花生油,但要避免用椰油、棕榈油和固体状的植物油,因为这些油份对血液的胆固醇有不良影响。
Biodiesel is winning political backing in thailand because it uses coconut and palm oil , both of which are in price slumps , and it limits the reliance on overseas petroleum source , which have become increasingly expensive 由于生物柴油的原料为价格正在下跌的椰油和棕榈油,并且生物柴油还降低了国家对价格日趋昂贵的海外石油资源的依赖,所以生物柴油赢得了泰国政府的支持。
Using natural fresh ripe coconut milk and soft coconut meat to remove the dead - dull skins , after the treatment the coconut oil will still remain on your body to moisturize your skin and protect your skin before or after sunburn 使用新鲜的椰肉及椰奶,可以有效的去除死皮,此项护理结束后椰油精华仍保留在您的皮肤上可以滋润您的肌肤,在日晒前使用可防止晒伤,晒伤后使用此项护理可修复您的皮肤。
Avoid high fat snacks since high fat snacks may lead to overweight easily , and snacks containing high saturated fat like coconut oil , butter and animal fat etc . may increase blood cholesterol level , therefore , it is discouraged to eat those high fat snacks 有些小食本身的脂肪含量很高,进食后容易引致肥胖,有些小食更含高饱和脂肪的成份如椰油牛油动物脂肪等,过量进食可能令血胆固醇上升,故此应避免选择。