| 1. | Simulation of flexible assembly system based on rule embedded colored petri net 网模型的柔性装配系统仿真 |
| 2. | Optimization design for the flexible assembly systems incorporated with human and machines 面向柔性装配系统的人机一体优化设计 |
| 3. | A discrete event model of automatic error recovery control strategy in flexible assembly system 一种基于离散事件模型的柔性装配系统容错控制策略 |
| 4. | During the whole period of development , the idea of flexible has been used in hardware and also in software 本文将柔性装配系统( fas )的概念和系统思想引进了锁片装配系统的研制过程中。 |
| 5. | And then , the principle of flexible manufacture system has been used into the development of flexible assembly system 于是人们把已经开发成功的柔性加工系统的原理应用于柔性装配系统的开发之中。 |
| 6. | In 20th century , with the development of flexible manufacture system and computer flexible assembly system has made a fast promotion 20世纪,随着柔性加工系统的开发趋于成熟,并进入推广阶段,以及计算机技术的发展,为柔性装配系统的开发创造了条件。 |
| 7. | Abstract : based on the systemic analysis of contents for fas planning and scheduling , starting form the whole life cycle , the paper builds up a concurrent design constraint network model for fas 文摘:在系统研究柔性装配系统规划设计内容的基础上,从产品的整个生命周期出发,建立了柔性装配系统并行设计系统的整体约束网络模型。 |
| 8. | The key technology of the knowledge engineering based fas is discussed in detail , and a fas based the above technology is designed and developed . the software of data gathering , communication and simulation are developed by author 基于以上技术作者自行设计开发了基于知识的柔性装配系统,并对数据采集、通信和仿真部分的软件进行了开发。 |
| 9. | Finally , according to the variants of fas are much and dependant one another , an human - machine incorporate optimization approach combining domain knowledge with genetic algorithms is proposed to scheduling the flexible assembly system 最后根据系统设计涉及因素多且相互制约的特点,提出结合领域知识和遗传算法的人机一体优化策略对柔性装配系统进行规划设计。 |
| 10. | In recent years , the fas has become a very important symbol of the development of modern manufacturing . the degree of researching and application of fas has been regarded as the level of national advanced technology and manufacturing 近年来柔性装配系统已成为现代制造业发展的重要标志,对它的研究和应用程度一定意义上代表一个国家的高科技和制造业水平。 |