| 1. | He pulled out all stops in a speech in flint, michigan, on october 17 . 10月17日,他在密执安州弗林特的一次演讲中施展浑身解数。 |
| 2. | That would have been flint s or billy bones s 那是弗林特或比尔彭斯的做法。 ” |
| 3. | Flint was , and he died of rum at savannah 弗林特也是那种人,而他在萨凡那酗酒死了。 |
| 4. | Ah , he was the man to have a headpiece , was flint 啊,弗林特他真是个有头脑的人物! |
| 5. | If it don t make me cold inside to think of flint 不过我一想到弗林特就会手脚冰凉。 |
| 6. | Yes , said one , that s flint , sure enough “是的, ”其中一个说, “这的确是弗林特的图。 |
| 7. | Silver s green parrot , captain flint 这是弗林特船长西尔弗的绿鹦鹉! |
| 8. | Flint s fist , i mean , he cried “我是说弗林特的东西。 ”他喊道。 |
| 9. | I know the secret of the labyrinth 我知道拉比林特斯迷宫的秘密。 |
| 10. | I am carol - i am carol lynn - i am carol lynn schuller . . 我是嘉露,嘉露林特我是萧嘉露林特。 |