The city center almost feels like one massive museum and is equally beautiful under the 24 - hour light of the " white nights " period or covered deep in snow in the depths of winter 极昼时段,这里二十四小时阳光普照,风景宜人;隆冬时节,整个城市银装素裹,美不胜收。
For those needing an escape from the 24 - hour sunlight ( or 24 - hour darkness ) , there are lounges with televisions , a pool table and a good supply of beer and scotch whisky 碰到24小时的极昼(或极夜)时,为了人们有个栖闲之所,休闲室内设置了电视机、台球桌,还有大量供应的啤酒和苏格兰威士忌。