| 1. | They were all equipped with new winchester rifles . 他们都配备着崭新的温彻斯特式来复枪。 |
| 2. | Pushing the canoe off into the bay, hurry seized his rifle to watch the result . 赫里将独木舟向湖湾深处划去,来复枪不离手,警觉地注视着动静。 |
| 3. | Why, press, the moment they'd try to jump any of those ranches around here, they have six hundred rifles cracking at them as quick as how-do-you-do . 说真的,普瑞斯,只等他们来强占这一带随便哪个农庄,说时迟,那时快,它们马上就会挨到六百枝来复枪噼噼啪啪地朝他们射去。 |
| 4. | You still stand back - to - back with unloaded rifles 你们背对背拿着没上膛的来复枪 |
| 5. | - what ' s the rifle for ? - that ' s for niggers -来复枪是干什么用的? -是给黑鬼准备的 |
| 6. | You still stand back - to - back with unloaded rifles 你们背对背拿着没上膛的来复枪 |
| 7. | Why do you lick your rifle ? it catches the light 你干嘛舔来复枪? -能捕捉光线 |
| 8. | The ribbon of the rifle is fabricated with fibre 来复枪的带子是用纤维制作的 |
| 9. | The ribbon of theh ifle is fabricated with fibre 来复枪的带子是用纤维制作的 |
| 10. | What ' s the rifle for ? - that ' s for niggers -来复枪是干什么用的? -是给黑鬼准备的 |