| 1. | The information is fed back to the government department concerned . 信息反馈给政府有关部门。 |
| 2. | The authorities normally do not allow disposal of concentrated slurries into rivers . 有关部门一般不准将浓料浆排到河里。 |
| 3. | Assuming that monitoring and coordination among levels of government and concerned sectors will continue, no disaster are foreseen . 假如政府及有关部门的监护和协作能继续下去,就不会发生灾难性损失。 |
| 4. | The presence of non-task-oriented ideas is a sign of broad interest, concern, and alertness on the part of the employees . 一些非有关部门工作的建议的产生,标志了在部分职工中的广泛兴趣、机智和关心企业的精神素质。 |
| 5. | The number of air marshals is classified 国家有关部门已对空中警卫员进行了分类。 |
| 6. | Vice minister level beijing government officer 北京政府有关部门副部长级代表 |
| 7. | The department concerned has taken effective measures 有关部门已采取了有力的措施。 |
| 8. | Officials say conditions are stable today 有关部门表示今日情况已经稳定。 |
| 9. | Relevant departments have been approached for assistance 我们已向有关部门寻求协助。 |
| 10. | The authorities are now deciding what punishment to apply 有关部门正在决定最终的处罚。 |