航空公司例: is in the airline business. airlinesusers have paid the air time for incoming calls as well as outgoing. airways
润例: (为人做诗文书画所定的报酬标准) scale of professional fees charged by a painter, writer or calligrapher
Example Sentences:
At today s pace in doing business , they will find a civil service which is concerned solely with regulation even more obstructionist 让市民有规可循、有例可援,固然重要,但时至今日,他们的要求已不止于此。
At today s pace in doing business , they will find a civil service which is concerned solely with regulation even more obstructionist 让市民有规可循、有例可援,固然重要,但时至今日,他们的要求已不止于此。
The analysis of these precedents not only makes people believe these theories but also gives them a concrete and operable feeling so that gives them some mathematic teaching precedents that can be imitated 通过案例分析,不仅使人信服其理论,更重要的是给人以具体、可操作之感,让人有例可援。