| 1. | The position of the last crack is marked before unloading the beam . 标出最后一条裂纹的位置,然后卸去载荷。 |
| 2. | She considered phoning the radio station to ask for a repeat of the last news item . 她考虑打电话给电台,要求重播最后一条消息。 |
| 3. | The last instruction causes the computer to run on the spot by jumping to the instruction where it is already . 这最后一条指令利用转移到本指令使计算机在原地踏步。 |
| 4. | "if the worst comes to the worst", becky thought, "my retreat is secure; and i have a right-hand seat in the barouche. " 蓓基想到:“逼到最后一条路,逃难是不怕的了,在大马车里,我稳稳的有一个位子了。” |
| 5. | The new record is added as the last record 新的记录将添加为最后一条记录。 |
| 6. | And then , fourth , there s this here boy 还有最后一条,你竟偏向这小子。 ” |
| 7. | You will get the last message this time 这一次您将得到最后一条消息。 |
| 8. | Event handler for the move last button 的“移到最后一条记录”按钮。 |
| 9. | Positions the reader at the last record in the 中的最后一条记录处。 |
| 10. | Last read the last message in the queue 读取队列中的最后一条消息。 |