| 1. | There was no adjustment in the best lending rates in april 月份最优惠贷款利率并无调整。 |
| 2. | The composite interest rate and best lending rates are end - of - period figures 综合利率及最优惠贷款利率均为期末数字。 |
| 3. | The prime in sub - prime refers to the credit - worthiness of the borrower , not the interest rate 是描述借款人的信贷质素,并非指以低于最优惠贷款利率 |
| 4. | The government will from time to time review the best lending rate and adjust the interest rate accordingly 政府会根据最优惠贷款利率的变动而调整利率。 |
| 5. | The model was able to predict past divergences of the blr from the us federal funds target rate 这个模型能预测过去最优惠贷款利率偏离美国联邦基金目标利率的情况。 |
| 6. | The best lending rate of major banks was also raised by the same magnitude from 9 . 5 per cent to 10 . 25 per cent 此外,各大银行最优惠贷款利率也以相同的幅度上调,由9 |
| 7. | The market norm for the mortgage rate remained at about best lending rate minus 2 . 6 percentage points 市场一般的按揭息率仍然维持在最优惠贷款利率减2 . 6个百分点左右。 |
| 8. | The movement of the best lending rate quoted by major banks matched that of the savings deposit rate 75厘的水平。各大银行所报最优惠贷款利率的走势贴近储蓄存款利率。 |