| 1. | On zeng ji - ze s diplomatic thought and practice 论曾纪泽的外交思想及实践 |
| 2. | The understanding of the wto and the reform of the economic law 曾纪泽的国际法认识与实践初论 |
| 3. | Tseng chi - tse amp; amp; british mediation in sino - french war 曾纪泽与中法战争时期的英国调停 |
| 4. | A tentative evaluation of zeng ji - ze ' s contemporary diplomatic thoughts 试评曾纪泽的近代外交思想 |
| 5. | Zeng jize and international public law 曾纪泽与国际公法 |
| 6. | Superficial analysis of zeng jize ' consciousness of modern international law 试析曾纪泽的近代国际法意识 |
| 7. | A study of the formation of zeng jize thoughts from the perspective of his reading 从书籍阅读看曾纪泽思想的形成 |
| 8. | An analysis of zeng jize ' s thought of strengthening china by adopting western learning 曾纪泽外交活动中的文化人格述论 |
| 9. | The difference of knowledge and conflict on thoughts between zeng guofan and zeng jize , kang youwei and liang qichao could be regarded as the typical examples in the modem cultural history of china 发生在曾国藩和曾纪泽父子之间及康有为和梁启超师生之间的认识差异和思想冲突,可以看成是近代思想史上代际冲突最典型的例子。 |