| 1. | Reflections on construction of urbanization in underdeveloped areas 以江西省宜春市袁州区为例 |
| 2. | Yichun the second people hospital 宜春市第二人民医院 |
| 3. | Future of enterprises producing wooden hygienic chopsticks in yichun city 伊春市一次性木质卫生筷子未来的出路 |
| 4. | Model of eco - agriculture and agriculture sustainable development in yichun 宜春市生态农业与农业可持续发展模式 |
| 5. | A study on the development of resource - type cities in the northeast china ' s traditional industrial base 以黑龙江伊春市接续产业发展研究为例 |
| 6. | Current status of plant quarantine in agriculture and the related management strategy in yichun city , jiangxi province 浅析宜春市农业植物检疫现状及治理对策 |
| 7. | Analysis of heavy occurrence of rice stem borer , chilo suppressalis , in recent five years in yichun city , jiangxiprovince 宜春市近五年二化螟发生严重原因浅析 |
| 8. | Being the first foreign affairs - concerned 3 star hotel , jx country villa is blessed with great reputation as no . 1 villa of jiangxi 位于宜春市秀江西路化成岩风景区,依山傍水,风景秀丽,装潢高雅,是宜春首家“三星级”旅游涉外宾馆,享有“江西第一庄”的美誉。 |
| 9. | Based on the noise influence ' s investigation and analysis in one of yichun ' s hospital ' s building construction , the writer does some research and finds some possible solution to prevent and reduce the noise influence 通过对以宜春市某医院建筑工程施工过程中噪声对附近人群的影响的分析和调查,对减噪防噪问题做了一些探讨,提出了一些可操作的方案。 |