| 1. | Focus on allowing the kundahlini to clear the feet for a few minutes 聚集于允许昆达里尼清理足部数分钟。 |
| 2. | The subject of kundalini is no longer a matter of book knowledge 关于灵量昆达里尼的知识不是书本上的知识。 |
| 3. | The white light now enters your root chakra the seat of your kundalini energy 现在白光进入你昆达里尼能量所在的根脉轮。 |
| 4. | The upper half of the field is energized with the kundahlini of the solar sun 能量场的上半部由来自太阳系太阳的昆达里尼充能。 |
| 5. | The concept of kundalini can also be examined from a strictly psychological perspective 昆达里尼的概念也可以从严格的心理透视被检查。 |
| 6. | Let us now focus upon running the green ray throughout the etheric body and kundahlini 现在让我们聚焦于运行绿色光,贯穿以太体和昆达里尼。 |
| 7. | Let us now focus upon running the magenta ray throughout the etheric body and kundahlini 现在让我们聚焦于运转洋红光,贯穿以太体和昆达里尼。 |
| 8. | Now , you can begin to focus the kundahlini in specific areas of your form for cleansing 现在,你可开始在你形体的特定部位聚焦昆达里尼来净化。 |
| 9. | Kundalini can be described as a great reservoir of creative energy at the base of the spine 昆达里尼可以被描绘成脊骨底部创造性能量的巨大储库。 |
| 10. | Let us charge the grid work and meridians with chi in the upper half of the form 让我们呼唤地球母亲的天使,或玛丽丝,通过昆达里尼来支持能量流程。 |