| 1. | We came away with the distinct impression . 我们离去时有一种清楚的印象。 |
| 2. | Did you carry any other weapons when you hunted ? 你打猎时有否携带其它的武器? |
| 3. | Several children were pushed over in the rush to leave . 大家都争先恐后跑着离开时有几个孩子被推倒了。 |
| 4. | There is a possibility of error in the transmission of any code word . 在翻译电码字时有可能发生错误。 |
| 5. | I must say i never saw so many straw hats at a funeral before . 我得说我从来没有见过出殡时有这么多草帽。 |
| 6. | As a last resort, there is a trick to solve some difficult problems . 万不得已时有个诀窍可以用于解决难题。 |
| 7. | Fish as a countable noun has two plural forms : fish and fishes . Fish作可数名词时有两个复数形式fish和fishes。 |
| 8. | When a pure line variety is grown at close spacing there is a competition effect . 当一个纯系品种在密的植距下生长时有一种竞争效应。 |
| 9. | The radium isotopes are absorbed to an appreciable extent through the human and animal gut . 镭的同位素通过人和动物的肠子时有很大部分被吸收。 |
| 10. | We sometimes disputed, and very fond we were of argument, and very desirous of confuting one another . 我们时有争论,也特别喜好辩论,常想驳倒对方。 |